28 Aug 2016

6th World Canopy Piloting Championships, Farnham, Canada, Day 5

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D a y  5 

Friday 26th August 2016

15.15  A fifteen minute call has just been made.  The first aircraft to take off will be the Twin Otter.  Of the 41 who jumped to complete the round 15 were given re-jumps due to winds gusting over the limits.  The round was complete by 16.30 giving enough time to make the rejumps, conditions had not really improved.  We had time before the 17.00 deadline for the last "wheels off".  The first pass of 4 jumped, everything was calm just before they exited teh aircraft, but the gust came as they set up and ran the course - 4 rejumps.  End of competition.  End of that event.   So the 6th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships ended without a completed competition and no ability to award an Overall World Champion medal.  The medal ceremony for the two events that did complete - even though we had multiple ties in the Accuracy took place at the Hotel, before dinner.

14.45  The competitors meeting has just ended, followed by an announcement from the Meet Director, RELEASING all those who have already jumped round 1 Distance, once they have signed the paper to extend the time of the end of competition to 19.00.  There are in fact 41 people left to complete the round.  

Alberto Martin Paracuellos, Chair of the Canopy Piloting and here as a member of the Jury opened the meeting by presenting those other committee members who were present.   He spoke about the future competitions, giving a lot of detail about the World Air Games to be held in Wroclow, Poland and explaining that Elisabet Mikaelsson,  World Air Games Liaison Officer, would talk later about the selection and what is involved when he had finished.  He confirmed that the World Cup would take place in Dubai next year at the Desert DropZone.

13.00  The winds are still with us.  So we will have a Competitors' Meeting, as normal at a World Championships to discuss the rules, any changes etc. etc. at 13.30 in the packing hall.

10.30  The winds have now moved round to the west - straight down the course.  At the moment they are just over limits but dropping.  We all live in hope.

8.00   The call came to stop jumping as the winds swirled down the course.  Still at least 40 competitors got to jump.  We will wait and see when we get another break.

7.05   It is back on - so 15 minute call for the first aircraft load, then back to back aircraft, Otter and Beech, to complete the first round of Distance. 

7.00    Buzz Bennett, our friendly meet director, announced that the winds are gusting up, given they are coming from the south and the tree line, he is putting everyone on Stand By, and the situation will be assessed as the day progresses.

 6.50    The calls have been made, but a very close watch is being made on the winds, creeping up and still from the south.  The good news is the two competitors injured yesterday and OK.  Up and walking around, but sore.  We are set to continue with Distance this morning.