FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

15 Jul 2015

Event Website for the FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015 Now Up and Running

FAI invites you to visit the new event website for the FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015. Managed by the Emirates Aerosports Federation (EAF) as the host of the event, it offers quick and easy access to essential information about the Games.

Dynamic, colourful, user-friendly and relevant: the website gives viewers a sound understanding of this exciting event while at the same time showing just how thrilling air sports competitions can be. Visitors can find all the latest news and details covering subjects such as the selected sports and disciplines that will take place, the schedule of events and also the medical symposium that will take place concurrently to the sporting events.

“The eyes of the world will be on the FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015 in December, as they will be the biggest air sports event ever organised. Hard-fought competitions involving the best of the best athletes will amaze the spectators on site, but that is not all: this state-of-the-art website, along with the social media, will contribute to the strong online buzz around the event,” FAI President Dr John Grubbström commented. “Clearly, the Organising Committee designed the website with in mind the exceptional nature of the Games and the objective of showcasing them globally.”

The website will be updated regularly as the start of the Games approaches. New features will be added such as information about the athletes together with a gallery of pictures and videos.

Press release available in other languages

Download the Press release in ArabicEnglishFrenchGermanRussian and Spanish  (PDF format).