FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

08 Feb 2022

Pre HG Class 1 and 5 Worlds - Registration is Open

Test event for 23rd FAI World Hang Gliding Class 1 and 9th FAI World Hang Gliding Class 5 Championships will take place in Krushevo, Macedonia from 7th to 13th August, 2022.


The championship is happening in the best period of the year for this flying site and is run by the experienced team which successfully organized two class 1 European and two class 5 World championships at the same site. This, along with the predictable weather with 90% of competition flying days is a guarantee for a fair competitive event and equal chance for every competitor.

The main event will take place from 6th to 19th August 2023.


Event official website is by this link