30 Nov 2015

WAG 2015 - On the Eve of the Largest World Air Games EVER

 It all starts tomorrow and the largest ever World Games will be underway officially - although the actual Opening Ceremony is not until Thursday, and the Aeromodelling has already completed - but it takes a lot to organise such a huge event over a small area. 

The scheduling is impressive, although for those of you who have visited Skydive Dubai over the years, either at one of the DIPC's or for the Mondial, you would hardly recognise the home of Skydive Dubai.  All the organisation is here, but it looks bare compared with previous years.  All Parachuting, apart from Canopy Piloting,  and the last rounds of each discipline,  is happening elsewhere. 

In fact mostly at "The Racecourse DZ" home until now of Canopy Piloting only - which has turned into a fully functioning DZ with packing areas, creeping areas, restaurant, judges rooms etc. etc.  Here Formation Skydiving, Artistic Events, Canopy Formations and Speed Skydiving will happen for most of the rounds.  Accuracy Landings will continue to use the Beach DZ as they have for previous years, with Canopy Piloting using the Pond on the Palm DZ.

A lot of other Air Sports will be filling the sky above the Palm DZ and keeping the crowds amused and fascinated.  In all, 854 Competitors from 54 Countries will be taking part - although the final figures are not yet confirmed - parachuting should  have 445 competitors from 34 Countries.

There are lots of places to follow what is going on - here for Parachuting - the FAI pages for the other Air Sports and the event Web Site:  www.wagdubai.ae