

Class Sub-Class Type of record Performance Date Claimant Status Region ID
Powered Aeroplanes C-1a Time to climb to a height of 9 000 m 1 h 00 min 09 sec 12 Nov 1994 Robert Gibson (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 2059
Powered Aeroplanes C-1e Speed over a recognised course 409,65 km/h 10 Nov 1994 Michael K. Egan (USA) ratified - current record World 1997
Powered Aeroplanes C-1e Speed over a recognised course 414,25 km/h 10 Nov 1994 Michael K. Egan (USA) ratified - current record World 1996
Powered Aeroplanes C-1e Speed over a recognised course 463,14 km/h 09 Nov 1994 Michael K. Egan (USA) ratified - current record World 1995
Powered Aeroplanes C-1e Speed over a recognised course 510,41 km/h 08 Nov 1994 Michael K. Egan (USA) ratified - current record World 1992
Powered Aeroplanes C-1e Speed over a recognised course 475,30 km/h 08 Nov 1994 Michael K. Egan (USA) ratified - current record World 1993
Powered Aeroplanes C-1e Speed over a recognised course 494,82 km/h 08 Nov 1994 Michael K. Egan (USA) ratified - current record World 1994
Powered Aeroplanes C-1e Speed over a recognised course 380,18 km/h 07 Nov 1994 Michael K. Egan (USA) ratified - current record World 1991
Gliding D1 Free distance using up to 3 turn points 2 049,44 km 05 Nov 1994 Terrence Raymond Delore (NZL) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 1981
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 946,80 km/h 05 Nov 1994 David F. Specht (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 1990
Gliding DO Free distance using up to 3 turn points 2 049,44 km 05 Nov 1994 Terrence Raymond Delore (NZL) ratified - superseded since approved World 5006
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 1 045,86 km/h 04 Nov 1994 N. B. Godlove (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 1979
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 754,85 km/h 04 Nov 1994 David F. Specht (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 1989
Powered Aeroplanes C-1h Speed over a recognised course 962,74 km/h 01 Nov 1994 Jean Pus (FRA) ratified - current record World 1976
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 744,56 km/h 01 Nov 1994 Thomas D. Roth (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 1978
Powered Aeroplanes C-1h Speed over a recognised course 931,00 km/h 31 Oct 1994 Jean Pus (FRA) ratified - current record World 1975
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 952,33 km/h 29 Oct 1994 Barry L. Watkins (USA) ratified - current record World 1977
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F2C Race Time in Competition (100 laps): 136 3 min 15 sec 24 Oct 1994 Straniak / Fischer (AUT) ratified - superseded since approved World 1973
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 788,39 km/h 22 Oct 1994 Andrew E. Allen (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 1968
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling S-9 Gyrocopter Duration Gyrocopter Duration 032 44s 22 Oct 1994 Marian Krause (ROU) ratified - superseded since approved World 1974
Rotorcraft E-1g Speed over a recognised course 239,83 km/h 20 Oct 1994 Andrew A. Evans (USA) ratified - current record World 1972
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 853,42 km/h 20 Oct 1994 Delmar J. Walker (CAN) ratified - current record World 7656
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 850,34 km/h 19 Oct 1994 Delmar J. Walker (CAN) ratified - superseded since approved World 1966
Rotorcraft E-1g Speed over a recognised course 199,56 km/h 19 Oct 1994 Kevin L. Bredenbeck (USA) ratified - current record World 1971
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling S-9 Gyrocopter Duration Gyrocopter Duration 034 51s 15 Oct 1994 Marian Krause (ROU) ratified - superseded since approved World 1956
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling S-9 Gyrocopter Duration Gyrocopter Duration 035 56s 15 Oct 1994 Marian Krause (ROU) ratified - superseded since approved World 1957
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling S-9 Gyrocopter Duration Gyrocopter Duration 033 71s 15 Oct 1994 Marian Krause (ROU) ratified - superseded since approved World 1955
Parachuting G-1 8-way speed formation 29.28 s 14 Oct 1994 Team (-) ratified - superseded since approved World 1950
Parachuting G-1 Longest sequence (working time 150 sec) 13 formations 14 Oct 1994 Team (-) ratified - superseded since approved World 1951
Ballooning AM-07 Altitude 5 816 m 13 Oct 1994 Gunter Schabus (AUT) ratified - superseded since approved World 2383
Ballooning AM-01 Altitude 5 816 m 13 Oct 1994 Gunter Schabus (AUT) ratified - current record World 1952
Ballooning AM-02 Altitude 5 816 m 13 Oct 1994 Gunter Schabus (AUT) ratified - current record World 2378
Ballooning AM-03 Altitude 5 816 m 13 Oct 1994 Gunter Schabus (AUT) ratified - superseded since approved World 2379
Ballooning AM-04 Altitude 5 816 m 13 Oct 1994 Gunter Schabus (AUT) ratified - superseded since approved World 2380
Ballooning AM-05 Altitude 5 816 m 13 Oct 1994 Gunter Schabus (AUT) ratified - superseded since approved World 2381
Ballooning AM-06 Altitude 5 816 m 13 Oct 1994 Gunter Schabus (AUT) ratified - superseded since approved World 2382
Parachuting G-2 Largest Formation 46 skydivers 12 Oct 1994 Team (-) ratified - superseded since approved World 1953
Parachuting G-1 4-way rotation 21 formations 11 Oct 1994 Team (-) ratified - superseded since approved World 1949
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 806,73 km/h 08 Oct 1994 David F. Specht (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 1947
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 732,18 km/h 06 Oct 1994 Larry E. Steenstry (USA) ratified - current record World 1948
Microlights and paramotors RWL1T Altitude 9 720 m 18 Sep 1994 Serge Zin (FRA) ratified - current record World 1890
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 851,14 km/h 18 Sep 1994 Jerry E. Soltis (USA) ratified - current record World 1936
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 909,74 km/h 04 Sep 1994 Larry E. Steenstry (USA) ratified - superseded since approved World 1885
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 824,11 km/h 03 Sep 1994 Diran L. Torigian Jr. (USA) ratified - current record World 1881
Aeromodelling and Spacemodelling F3 Open Distance in a straight line: 142 529,36 km 03 Sep 1994 Maynard Hill (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 1886
Powered Aeroplanes C-1f Speed over a recognised course 812,33 km/h 25 Aug 1994 Peter T. Reynolds (USA) ratified - current record World 1884
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a recognised course 812,33 km/h 25 Aug 1994 Peter T. Reynolds (USA) ratified - retired by changes of the sporting code World 1883
Powered Aeroplanes C-1 Speed over a Commercial Airline Route 895,11 km/h 24 Aug 1994 Herbert L. Dabelow (USA) ratified - current record World 1882
Ballooning AX-07 Altitude 9 954 m 19 Aug 1994 Jetta M. Schantz (USA) ratified - current record World 1880
Ballooning AX-08 Altitude 9 954 m 19 Aug 1994 Jetta M. Schantz (USA) ratified - current record World 2392
