FAI Medico-physiological Commission (CIMP)
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The next FAI Medico-Physiological Commission (CIMP) Plenary meetings will take place from 27 to 28 September 2025 in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Maison du Sport International (MSI)
Address: Avenue de Rhodanie 54, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland
Will be open in Q2 -2025.
Agora Swiss Night by Fassbind ****
Avenue du Rond-Point 9, 1006 Lausanne
Website: https://byfassbind.com/hotel/agora-swiss-night-by-fassbind/
Alternate hotels:
Please refer to the website below for a list of hotels recommended by Lausanne Tourism:
https://www.lausanne-tourisme.ch/en/accommodation/ Additionally, upon registering at your chosen hotel, please remember to request your complimentary 'Lausanne Travel Card.' This card grants access to all public transport and more in Lausanne and its surrounding areas during your stay.
In case of any further question to the Plenary Meeting 2025 please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Kamila VOKOUN HAJKOVA - FAI Members and Commissions Relation Manager via commissions@fai.org
We warmly encourage all NACs to get their delegate/representative to attend the meeting. The more experiences and ideas we share, the more it will benefit also the other commissions and the whole FAI community.